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I'm trying to cut down on the live service games I play, but DICE has done such a great job of fixing up and expanding Battlefront 2 since its launch was mired in microtransaction controversy that I can't help but keep popping my head in the door and shooting up some stormtroopers. I've only had a chance to play a couple of times since the BB update, so I've got a great deal to catch up on. The update will also tweak the UI and bots, as well as a long list of smaller changes. The Wookiee Warrior, Imperial Rocket Trooper and Rocket Jumper won't be getting any gameplay changes, but they are getting new appearances. Leia's getting a couple of ability improvements, card tweaks and blaster modifications, while Chewbacca's bowcaster should be more effective against Troopers and miss fewer shots. Each of the four classes will get a new blaster that's compatible across eras, while some heroes and reinforcements will receive an update.