If you want to repeate the phrase again tap on the play symbol.Tap the mic icon and it will listen to what you say, transcribe it, and will read the phrase back to you in the other language so you can either repeat what you heard or play that to the other person. You should see the mic icon, but if you don’t then switch to landscape mode and you will see it. Alternatively you can use the mic icon to enter the phrase you wish to translate.If you want to type in another phrase then tap where it says Enter text and you can type in your next phrase.You will see your phrase and the equivalent phrase in the other language.After typing (or cutting and pasting) your text tap Go.Either hold the iPhone in portrait mode and type in the text you want to translate in your language, or you can use the mic – skip to step 7 if that’s what you want to do. Now you can enter the text you wish to translate.The app will open in your first language (you can switch from US English to UK English – just tap in the first tab and switch to the version that is right for you).

The first time you use the app you will need to approve or reject a few settings, such as whether you want to Improve Siri & Dictation (you don’t have to do this).

Here’s how to translate using Apple’s Translate app The landscape mode focuses on the microphone as the means to input text and has an attention mode that you might prefer to use if you are conversing with someone.In the portrait mode, the display is split into different sections, with the upper section showing the current languages you’re translating between, then the phrase and its translation, and a bottom section where you can tap to enter more text or access the microphone button so you can record a phrase to translate.The options available are slightly different depending on which mode you are in. You can use the Translate app in portrait of landsape mode.